You buy a new outfit for
baby and you are hurry want to wear them for your children, but let’s
stop. You should wash baby clothing
before wearing. Most new parents have heard that baby clothes
need to be washed before baby wears them. While it's unlikely that your baby
would be seriously harmed by new, unwashed clothes,
a minor skin irritation or allergy could make baby uncomfortable. Babies are
sometimes sensitive to the sizing, a finish put on new clothing
to keep them looking nice in the store. Shipping clothes can be a messy
process, so those new outfits
also could have come into contact with many types of dirt, bugs or rodents.
Remember that baby clothes
don't require a special detergent. There are a few extra-gentle laundry
detergents on the market that are targeted toward baby outfits,
but that doesn't mean you have to use one of these special soaps. Some families
alleviate the risk of skin allergies by laundering baby clothing
in a dye-free, scent-free detergent, such as All Free & Clear or Tide Free.
If your baby isn't bothered by clothes washed in your family's regular
detergent, there's no need to buy special laundry soap just for the baby clothes.
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